Looking for the best price for carpet cleaning or stone and tile restoration in the Livermore, Dublin and Pleasanton area? Let’s talk about the difference between “best” price and “fair” pricing. Of course we are all looking to save money but we also want quality service – why pay anything if the job doesn’t really get done right? You’ll see a lot of carpet cleaning companies out there in the penny saver coupons, or online local deals, etc. advertising free rooms and drastically reduced pricing. The problem with these deals is there not sustainable and don’t represent the true cost it takes to bring you top quality carpet cleaning or stone and tile restoration. The products legitimate companies use, especially green seal certified ones, cost more than the usual more abrasive cleaners. Carpet cleaning and stone and tile work requires investment in the right kind of equipment and upkeep as well.
Hands On Earth Friendly Carpet Cleaning and Stone and Tile Restoration is one such company that utilizes the best in green seal certified products and quality equipment. They also keep their pricing fair and consistent for all customers. They do pricing by the square footage, no price per room without regard to size of the flooring needing cleaning. Often these price per room companies or other companies who advertise below market value pricing per square foot will make up their costs by trying to sell you a bunch of add-ons. Or worse yet, leave out essential services like pre-spraying unless you pay an additional fee. They will literally just come in and flush your carpet with hot water and vacuum it out at a fast pace so they can make up costs by volume sold rather than quality delivered. All that leaves you with is a not so cleaned carpet for usually only 20-30% less than what it costs to use a quality company. The reason why companies like Hands On Earth Friendly Carpet Cleaning, Spotless and other reputable companies in East Alameda and Contra Costa Counties have higher cost per square footage pricing is because they are able to deliver an all inclusive quality cleaning with their pricing. What’s also great about that is paying per square foot is the most straight forward way to do pricing.
Don’t be one of those customers who are so preoccupied with making sure you get “the best deal” and spend the least amount possible but really end up with a bad deal and flooring that is still dirty. Expect to pay for quality and get ready to realize it was worth every cent when the work exceeds your expectations. Avoid under bidding and being disappointed when the lowest bidder for your services also under delivers. For the best quality at fair pricing in the Livermore, Dublin, Pleasanton and surrounding areas call a company like Hands On Earth Friendly Carpet Cleaning. They will take care of your carpet cleaning, stone and tile restoration needs at a straight forward, fair price.